Teacher Work Hours, 2017-18

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If you have a position(s) for which you receive a stipend or supplemental pay to work beyond the regular 7½-hour day, to the best of your ability, please answer the questions based on your regular teaching duties, not the dutied for which you receive the stipend or supplemental pay.

3) When you stay at your campus beyond your required 7½-hour work day, on what tasks and activities do you spend the time? (please list the top five tasks/activities with each task/activity listed separately)

5) Under current SAISD Board Policy, a teacher is required to be on duty 7½ hours each day. A principal may require teachers to meet outside that regular 7½-hour day but the amount of time shall not exceed 180 minutes within a four-week period and no single meeting or training shall exceed 90 minutes in length. 

6) Demographc info: