Survey: Did you get proper service credit for the CalSTRS Defined Benefit retirement plan?

AFT 2121 is seeking to identify certain active and retired faculty members, both full-time and part-time, in the CalSTRS Defined Benefit (DB) retirement plan who may have received improper DB service credit for teaching non-credit courses as a part-timer between January 1, 1999, and October 21, 2004. Receipt of improper service credit resulted in or will result in improper DB retirement benefits. AFT 2121 will use this information to try to have CCSF correct the data that it reported to CalSTRS so that CalSTRS can re-calculate your service credit. While we will also be asking CCSF to identify you, CCSF may be unwilling to do so or unable to do so accurately.

1) You are a retired part-timer, joined the DB plan after 7/1/96, retired as a part-timer after 10/21/04, and taught any non-credit courses at CCSF as a part-timer while in DB between 1/1/99 and 10/21/04 (including summer school between 7/1/02 and 10/21/04)

2) You are currently or have been a part-timer but are not yet retired, joined the DB plan after 7/1/96 and taught any non-credit courses at CCSF as a part-timer while in DB between 1/1/99 and 10/21/04 (including summer school between7/1/02 and 10/21/04)

3)  You are a retired full-timer, became a full-timer after 1/1/99, were previously a part-timer (doesn’t matter when you joined the DB plan), and taught any non-credit courses at CCSF as a part-timer while in DB between 1/1/99 and 10/21/04 (including summer school between 7/1/02 and 10/21/04)

4)  You are currently or have been a full-timer but are not yet retired, became a full-timer after 1/1/99, were previously a part-timer (doesn’t matter when you joined the DB plan), and taught any non-credit courses at CCSF as a part-timer while in DB between 1/1/99 and 10/21/04 (including summer school between 7/1/02 and 10/21/04)