FAM Bargaining Survey (Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPL), Tenured and Tenure Track (T/TT))


IMPORTANT: please make sure to read this full preamble before starting the survey!

FAM is the union representing faculty at Miami. This summer we will begin bargaining our first contract for TCPL, tenured, and tenure track faculty.   This survey asks about your views on issues that are expected to arise as we negotiate our collective bargaining agreement. Your responses will be confidential, but not anonymous. Names will be collected to follow up with you and to help us understand and address your concerns and will be kept confidential. We will reach out to you for permission to quote or attribute anything in a bargaining or communications context. Here's why the survey requests that you identify yourself:
  • Clarification and context. Your bargaining council may follow up so they can fully grasp your concerns.
  • Convincing the other side. Effective negotiating depends not only on data, but credible stories. Your voice explaining your situation could be crucial.
  • Common concerns. Colleagues facing similar issues can connect (with permission) to brainstorm solutions.
  • Security. Only unit members should be completing the survey.
Again, your information is confidential; your survey input and identifying information will only be used with your explicit permission! Your input is important as we work to create a union that represents all of us. Please answer based on what you would like to see change, without thinking about practicalities or likelihoods. The survey should take you about 15-20 minutes to complete. To participate in this survey, you must respond by June 2, 2023. The following pages will ask you questions about top issues among faculty, as identified by past one-on-one conversations conducted by FAM. Future surveys will be informed by your answers as we develop specific faculty priorities for bargaining.  Topics covered by this survey: Top IssuesCompensation: Salaries and PayCompensation: BenefitsFaculty Evaluation, Due Process, Recognition, and ResourcesWorkloadShared Governance and TransparencyDemographics