Easy Pay - Join Now!

Welcome to AFT Local 691! We have a very active union and would love for you to join us. Simply fill out the form below and we will send you a welcome email.


Checking the box above gives you the ability to text our office with any question or concern. Opt out at any time by texting Stop to 816-756-1818. Opt in at any time by texting START to 816-756-1818 or check the box above. Text HELP at any time to receive a call, text or email from our office. Message and data rates may apply. AFT Local 691 will never share your information with any third party without your explicit consent. We only use our members' cell numbers for disseminating union information and answering questions.

Annual dues are divided into the same payment periods as annual pay. Each pay period, a portion of each member's dues goes to AFT National ($19.98), AFT Missouri ($6.67), and KC Labor Council ($1.50).

Dues amounts per pay period:


Certified Emplyees: $40.50 

10.5-month Classified Employees: $23.14

12-month Classified Employees: $20.25



Please choose either the Bank Draft or Credit Card payment method below:


I authorize KCFT & SRP to deduct per-pay period dues for membership in accordance with the KCFT & SRP Constitution and bylaws and the AFT Constitution. Dues payments are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. The dues amount may change if authorized according to the requirements of the local, state, or national constitutions. If this happens, I authorize my bank or credit card to adjust my monthly payment when notified by KCFT & SRP. I understand that annual dues are divided into the same number of payments as my annual salary, and that these deductions shall be made at the same time as each paycheck and continue until KCFT & SRP is given written authorization of revocation, unless the written notice is between May 1 and the beginning of the next school year. In that case, dues will be stopped after the last paycheck of the school year in which the written notice is tendered.  If KCFT & SRP is unable to deduct said dues from my bank account or credit/debit card, or if the need to switch otherwise arises, I hereby authorize the Board of Education of Kansas City Public Schools to deduct from my salary such amount as may be necessary to pay my regular Membership dues in KCFT & SRP as are now or may hereafter be fixed by the Constitution of KCFT & SRP, said deductions to be deducted in equal installments during each school year and remitted to said KCFT & SRP.