2024 AFT-WV Convention Registration



The 2024 AFT-WV Constitutional Convention is being held November 15-16 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Charleston, West Virginia.

The convention begins with a reception and awards celebration on Friday evening and concludes Saturday around 4 pm.

If you are interested in serving as a delegate for your local, please contact your local president.  Members of Local 8046 or Local 6500 should contact their staff representative or AFT-WV if interested in attending.

Only locals in good standing are entitled to delegate representation.

I am registering for convention as a
I certify that I am a duly elected delegate or alternate from my local to the 2024 AFT-WV Constitutional Convention.

Retiree members registering as 8046R are not dues-paying members; therefore you will not have voting rights,  We welcome our retiree members to attend, but if you are also currently employed as a substitute or otherwise paying dues to a local chapter and want voting rights, please contact your local president about attending as a delegate or alternate to convention.  If you are an elected delegate, please select the appropriate local from the drop down menu and not 8046R.

Personal Info
LODGING AND OTHER INFO Although each local union is responsible for the cost of lodging for its delegates, a valid individual credit card is required upon check-in.  Reservations:  AFT-WV will reserve lodging for registered participants and invited guests through submission of a rooming list, but each local must pay for its participants' lodging upon arrival.  The local is also responsible for "no shows" and/or cancellations that result in lodging costs being billed to our group.   Cancellations:  Please promptly contact AFT-WV if you wish to cancel your registration or lodging.  Cancellation notice received after our rooming list has been submitted on October 11th could result in the registered participant or local being invoiced for lodging costs. Rate: The room rate is $159 nightly plus local and state taxes.  Parking: Overnight self parking is $15.   

Roommate:  If your listed roommate does not designate you for a roommate, we will reserve two separate rooms unless your local requires room sharing.  If room sharing is required, you will be placed with someone. Please confer with others before listing roommates.


Are you a member of the AFT-WV State Executive Board?
Do you need lodging accommodations for Friday night?
Do you need a handicapped accessible room?

Please click the "Submit" button after completing your form. Further details about the event, including an agenda, will be emailed at a later date.